Enrollment Information
- Enrollment for grades 9 and 10 is limited. The school will have an open application period from 2/4 to 3/21, and a lottery may go into effect
- View the latest enrollment updates
Enrollment Information for the 2025-26 School Year
- Per state law, the school has an enrollment limit of 850 students for grades 9 and 10
- If the number of applications accepted exceeds the capacity limit, we will use a lottery-style drawing to select students for enrollment on 3/28/24.
- To be eligible for the lottery, please start registration and follow the steps to create an application.
- If the school does not exceed its enrollment limit, no lottery is required. You will then be able to continue enrolling your student.
Enrollment Information for the 2024-25 School Year
- Enrollment for grades 9 and 10 is limited to 850 students and the enrollment capacity has been met.
- Students who complete all enrollment tasks will be placed on a waitlist and released to enroll on a first come, first served basis.
Enrollment Deadlines
Enrollment will close for the 2024-25 school year at 11:59pm PT on 3/28/2025
- Last day to create an application: 3/21/2025
- Last day to submit documents: 3/25/2025
- Last day to complete enrollment: 11:59 pm PT on 3/28/2025
Nevada Enroll Hero Video
Enrollment Process
Connections Academy Enrollment Process
Learn about the steps of the Connections Academy enrollment process.
Start Your Family’s Learning Journey
Get ready to enroll in online school at Nevada Connections Academy, serving grades 9–12. Typically, the enrollment process takes just a few weeks to complete. But spots fill up quickly, so make sure you start as soon as you can. Here's how to get started:
Understand Your Commitment
Check Eligibility
You must meet specific state and program requirements to attend Nevada Connections Academy. Student eligibility requirements for virtual schools in Nevada are determined by the Nevada State Board of Education, which is the authorizing body for Nevada Connections Academy. Before enrolling, review the following Nevada virtual school eligibility requirements carefully to determine whether your student(s) is eligible to participate in grades 9–10. Once your enrollment is confirmed, please immediately withdraw your student from their previous publicly-funded school. Students cannot be simultaneously enrolled in two public schools.
Note: Students who are currently expelled from their local school or district may not be eligible to enroll with Nevada Connections Academy.
Prepare Documents
Please have the following documents available and ready when you are ready to begin the enrollment process.
Child's Proof of Age
Child's Proof of Age
Child's Proof of Age
A copy of one of the following documents must be provided for every student to verify age eligibility.
- Official birth certificate
- Passport
- Military ID or Driver’s License
- Tribal affiliation card
- Green card
To avoid unnecessary delays, provide a copy of one of these official documents along with your enrollment documents. If you do not have either of these documents, please contact the enrollment team at 1-833-591-0251 to discuss acceptable alternatives.
Not Sure Where to Get That?
- If your student was born in Nevada and you need a copy of their birth certificate, you can order it online through the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services. Please visit the "Office of Vital Statistics" webpage for more information.
- If your child was born in another state, please visit the CDC’s Where to Write for Vital Records webpage for more information. When using this tool, please remember to follow the CDC's Application Guidelines.
- Have questions about your U.S. passport? Visit the U.S. Department of State FAQs page.
- Need a replacement Green Card (Permanent Resident Card)? Visit the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services website.
As a reminder, the age eligibility is as follows:
- Maximum Age: General education students must be under twenty-one (21) on or before September 30 of the school year to be allowed to attend that year. Students eighteen (18) or older who have not been continually enrolled may not be admitted. Special education students must be twenty-two (22) on September 30 to continue to be enrolled for the school year.
Proof of Residence
Proof of Residence
Proof of Residence
A copy of ONE of the following documents must be provided to verify your legal residence. If you do not have any of these documents, please contact the Enrollment Team to discuss acceptable alternatives.
Not Sure What is Accepted as Proof?
- Utility bill
- Acceptable documents include: gas, electric, water, sewage, cable, home phone, internet, or propane oil delivery bill from the last 60 days that includes your name and service address.
- Mortgage statement from the last 60 days or a signed annual lease agreement
- Property tax statement
- Property deed
- Rent receipt from the last 60 days
- Valid Nevada driver's license
- Letter from a government agency from the last 60 days
If you do not have any of these documents, please contact the enrollment team at 1-833-591-0251 to discuss acceptable alternatives.
Child’s Proof of Immunization
Child’s Proof of Immunization
Child’s Proof of Immunization
All students enrolling in Nevada Connections Academy must provide evidence of their immunizations, as required by the State of Nevada, to be eligible for enrollment. Please submit the dates of the student's immunizations on either a State of Nevada official Immunization Form (please see the Immunize Nevada webpage titled "Find A Vaccine Provider" for more information), a current immunization booklet, or official school record..
These forms must be stamped or signed by a health care provider.
Nevada WebIZ is a confidential, online computer system used in the State of Nevada to keep track of immunizations. If you need to know which immunizations you or someone in your family needs, this information is available on the Nevada WebIZ website
Parents and legal guardians can also print official immunization records for their child(ren) (ages 0 through 17- years-old) and adults (ages 18 years and over) can print official immunization records for themselves. This is an official record and can be used as proof of immunization for school.
Not Sure What Immunizations Are Required?
For a complete listing of immunizations required by the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services, view the Nevada’s School Immunization Requirements webpage.
Students are required to be immunized against the following diseases per the CDC guidelines:
- Diphtheria, Pertussis, & Tetanus
- 7th grade Tdap booster
- 7th grade MCV 4 & 12th grade booster (if applicable)
- Polio
- Hepatitis B
- Hepatitis A
- Varicella (unless exposed)
Where Can I Get Immunizations for My Student?
Immunizations can be obtained from doctor’s offices, clinics (including Community Health Centers and Nevada Health Centers, or hospitals. Pediatricians and family doctors or their nurses or medical assistants can give your student the shots they need to meet the requirements for school enrollment. In addition, some large chain pharmacies offer immunizations for older children and adults.
What if I Need Assistance Paying for Vaccines?
If you need assistance paying for shots/vaccinations, you may be able to get free or reduced immunizations through this program:
- Vaccines for Children (VFC) program is a federally funded program that provides vaccines at no cost to children who might not otherwise be vaccinated because of inability to pay. Children who are eligible for VFC vaccines are entitled to receive pediatric vaccines that are recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. More information is available at the Nevada State Health Division website.
Immunization Exemptions
A student may be exempt from immunizations for the following reasons: medical exemption or religious exemption.
- Religious Exemption: Parents must submit the state's Religious Immunization Exemption Certificate. Must be completed annually.
- Medical Exemption: Parents must submit the state's Medical Immunization Exemption Certificate completed by the student's Healthcare Provider.
Prior Academic Records
Child’s Proof of Immunization
Prior Academic Records
Students across Nevada in grades 9-10 are eligible to enroll in Nevada Connections Academy. Those who have previously attended public school, private school, or homeschool will be asked to submit academic records for placement.
- Report Card
For students applying for 9th grade: Please submit a copy of the report card from the most recent school year.
The following items should be included on the report card:
- Student Name
- Grade Level
- School Year (example: 2024–25)
- School Name
- Grading Scale (example: 90–100%=A)
- Unofficial Transcript
For students applying for 10th grade: Submit an unofficial transcript that includes the complete end-of-year grades from the prior school year and any academic documentation (such as a progress report/interim report, class schedule, or marking period/semester report card) issued for the current school year. Additional documentation may be requested for placement.
The following items should be included on the unofficial transcript:
- Student Name
- Grade Level
- School Year (example: 2024–25)
- School Name
- Grading Scale (example: 90–100%=A)
- Credits Earned
Not Sure How to Get Your Child’s Report Card or Transcript?
- Contact your student's previous school and request the document, providing them with the information outlined above, OR contact your school's district office with the request.
If after attempting these steps you still cannot obtain your student's report card or transcript, please contact the academic placement services team at 1-833-591-0251 to discuss acceptable alternatives.
Have Your Child(ren) Been Formerly Homeschooled?
- Prior Academic History Form
Other Documents for Special Circumstances
Proof of Residence
Other Documents for Special Circumstances
You may need to provide additional documentation if any of the following circumstances apply:
- Custody order: If your legal guardianship is determined by a court order, please submit a copy of the order.
Get Started
Join the Connections Academy community and help your child go further in school and in their life ahead.
Give Us a Call
If you have any concerns or questions about how to enroll, our enrollment team is here to help.
Please call us at 1-833-591-0251.
Nevada Connections Academy admits students and conducts all educational programs, activities, and employment practices without discrimination on the basis of sex, race, religion, age, national origin, ancestry, creed, sexual orientation, disability, or any other legally protected classification.
Enrollment Support Hours:
Monday - Friday, 7:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. PT
State Required Notice to Parents
- NRS § 388A.367 Notice to Parents 2019-20
- Under NRS § 388A.367, Effective July 2017, NCA is required to notify parents/guardians of their right to transfer to their respective school zone or any number of public charter schools throughout Nevada. View a list of Nevada Public Schools and Districts.